May.05 2024

Property Identification Codes in Spain: Understanding C.R.U. and IDUFIR

Whether you are selling, purchasing, or building a property or real estate in Spain, you may have heard of the property CRU or IDUFIR.


What is a CRU Code?

A CRU Code, or Individual Registry Code, is an identification assigned to each property. This number identifies the registered property, both in the Property Registry and in any other national Registry. CRU is a 14-digit code, using 0-9 digits, and appears at the top of the registry note.

What is IDUFIR?

IDUFIR stands for Individual Identification of the Registered Property. It is an individual number-based code that unequivocally identifies a property in all the Property Registries in the Spanish territory. This code is for exclusive, invariable use of each property, and is automatically assigned when a property is inscribed in the Property Registry.

What do they have in common?

Both are identification codes of estate properties.

What are the differences?

Generally, the difference lays in the fact that any properties registered before August 2016 were assigned an IDUFIR code, whereas any properties registered after were assigned a CRU code.

For this reason, if you are going to purchase or sell a property in Spain and think this obligation may be applicable, we recommend that you contact a lawyer who will inform you about how to solve this situation before formalising an agreement.

Remember that this information is generic and each particular case must be studied individually, so we recommend you seek legal counselling for your sale or purchase in Spain.

Basic guide to property transactions in Spain.

All you need to know about buying or selling a property in Spain.

Written by: Yolanda Porcel
Spanish lawyer specialising in property law.